මුල් සියවස් වලදී පෙරදිග සභාව රෝමයේ බිශොප්වරයා සමග සමාන අධිකාරිත්වයක් දැරුවාද ?

මුල් සියවස් වලදී පෙරදිග සභාව රෝමයේ බිශොප්වරයා සමග සමාන අධිකාරිත්වයක් දැරුවාද ?
Photo by Sean Benesh / Unsplash

කොන්ස්තන්තිනෝපලයේ පේට්‍රියාක් ෆ්ලේවියනුස් තුමන්, ක්‍රිව. 449 :

“When I began to appeal to the throne of the Apostolic see of Peter, the prince of the Apostles, and to the whole sacred synod which is obedient to your holiness, at once a crowd of soldiers surrounded me and barred the way when I wished to take refuge at the holy altar…Therefore I beseach your holiness not to permit these things to be treated with indifference…but to rise up first on behalf of the cause of our orthodox faith, now destroyed by unlawful acts…further to issue an authoritative instruction, so that a like faith may everywhere be perached, by the assembly of a united synod of the fathers, both eastern and western. Thus the laws of the fathers may prevail and all that has been done amiss be rendered null and void: bring healing to this ghastly wound” (Dr William Carrol, The Building of Christendom, page 114)

කැල්සිඩොන් මන්ත්‍රණ සභාව මගින් ලියෝ පාප් තුමන්ට ලිපි :

“.For if where two or three are gathered together in His name, He has said that there He is in the midst of them , must He not have been much more particularly present with 520 priests, who preferred the spread of knowledge concerning Him to their country and their ease? Of whom you were chief, as the head to the members, showing your goodwill in the person of those who represented you; while our religious Emperors presided to the furtherance of due order, inviting us to restore the doctrinal fabric of the Church, even as Zerubbabel invited Joshua to rebuild Jerusalem…..and besides all this, he [heretic Dioscorus of Alexandria] stretched forth his fury even against him who had been charged with the custody of the vine by the Saviour, we mean of course, your holiness…Accordingly, we entreat you, honour our decision by your assent, and as we have yielded to the head our agreement on things honourable, so may the head also fulfil for the children what is fitting.” (Letter XCVIII)

කැල්සිඩොන් මන්ත්‍රණ සභාවේ 28 වන කැනොනය ලියෝ පාප් තුමන් පිළිනොගැනීම පිළිබදව කොන්ස්තන්තිනෝපලයේ පේට්‍රියාක්, ඇනටූලියස් තුමන් විසින් යැවූ ලිපිය :

“As for those things which the universal Council of Chalcedon recently ordained in favor of the church of Constantinople, let Your Holiness be sure that there was no fault in me, who from my youth have always loved peace and quiet, keeping myself in humility. It was the most reverend clergy of the church of Constantinople who were eager about it, and they were equally supported by the most reverend priests of those parts, who agreed about it. Even so, the whole force of confirmation of the acts was reserved for the authority of Your Blessedness. Therefore, let Your Holiness know for certain that I did nothing to further the matter, knowing always that I held myself bound to avoid the lusts of pride and covetousness.” — Patriarch Anatolius of Constantinople to Pope Leo, Ep 132 (on the subject of canon 28 of Chalcedon).

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ශුද්ධ වූ තෝමස් ඇක්වයිනාස් තුමාගේ අධ්‍යාත්මික දිවිය අනුකරණය කරමු

ශුද්ධ වූ සභාවේ ඉතිහාසයේ නොමැකෙන සටහනක් තැබූ, දේවධර්මයේ කුළුනක් බඳු ශු. තෝමස් ඇක්වයිනාස් තුමාගේ ජීවිතය සහ ඉගැන්වීම් අදටත් අපට ආලෝකයක් සපයයි. 13 වන සියවසේ